BONUS: *Season 2 Rebroadcast* No Horses in India with Narangkar

Today we rebroadcast an episode from Season 2 in preparation for our upcoming new episode about 3HO, Kundalini yoga, and abusive boarding schools in India.

This is Narangkar’s story.

It’s intense, but incredibly relevant as next we’ll be discussing a reparations program that recently concluded after more complaints regarding 3HO came to light. Give it a listen, but listen with care — a whole lot of trigger warnings here.

Below, Narangkar describes attending a children’s camp. The clip is set against a piece of her artwork.

Shangri-La Girls School: Playing Rocks, 2011, oil on canvas, 60 x 60 in. by Narangkar Glover

For more information about Narangkar’s art go to:

Narangkar and her two sisters navigated a troubling childhood during their time within the group that included neglect, child-swapping, violence and a traumatizing stay at a harsh boarding school in India.

Below she describes being sent to India:

*This episode contains disturbing descriptions of child abuse and death. It serves as a companion to the next episode coming up on Generation Cult discussing a 2024 3HO reparations program.

Narangkar has been blogging about 3HO for many years. Check out her writing:

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